Creative Non-Fiction Writing


Do you have an idea but are not sure how to start? Have a story but can't finish? Whatever your writing stage and level of experience, join us to work on your craft and move your project(s) along. We will explore techniques related to dialogue, characterization, pacing and scenes in your non-fiction writing.

In this workshop, we will write and edit one another, read work out loud and help each other get unstuck in this collaborative and supportive workshop environment.

Non-fiction includes such things as life stories, personal narratives, travel and nature writing.

Meet the Instructor

Melanie Chambers is an award-winning journalist writing about women's issues and cycling around the world for publications such as The Globe and Mail, Mountain Life Magazine, and Canadian Cycling Magazine, to name a few. She has also been a journalism instructor at the University of Western Ontario for almost 15 years. She is currently writing a memoir about female sexuality.

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