Explore a selection of courses you can take through Open Studies—without having to meet program admission requirements.
Spring 2025
*Spring 2025 courses are subject to change.
Online Courses
- FREN 102: Beginner's French I
- HSER 600: Motivational Interviewing - Brief Interventions and Support Strategies
- IMW 101: Instructional Media Workshop
On-Campus Courses
School of Health & Human Services
- FAM 180: Family Dynamics, Castlegar Campus
School of University Arts & Sciences
- INDG 100: Regional Indigenous Perspectives on Languages and Cultures, Castlegar Campus
MATH 181: Problem Solving, Castlegar Campus
Fall 2025
*Fall 2025 courses are subject to change.
Online Courses
On-Campus Courses
School of Arts & Technology
MUSC 165: History of Jazz, Tenth Street Campus, Nelson
School of Business
ADMN 170 - Introduction to Business, Castlegar Campus
COMM 220 - Principles of Organizational Behaviour, Castlegar Campus
COMM 240 - Financial Accounting I, Castlegar Campus
School of Health & Human Services
FAM 180: Family Dynamics, Castlegar Campus
HSER 174: Interpersonal Communications, Castlegar Campus
School of University Arts & Sciences
ANTH 101: Introduction to Anthropology II: Cultural Anthropology, Castlegar Campus
ANTH 205: Anthropology of Religion, Castlegar Campus
CWRT 100: Introduction to Creative Writing I, Castlegar Campus or Tenth Street Campus, Nelson
ENGL 200: A Survey of English Literature I, Castlegar Campus
ENGL 202: Canadian Literature I: Indigenous Voices, Castlegar Campus
ENGL 204: Children’s Literature I: From Rags to Riches and Worlds of Magic, Castlegar Campus
INDG 100: Regional Indigenous Perspectives on Languages and Cultures, Silver King Campus, Nelson
INDG 101: Indigenous Peoples’ Relationships: Once You’ve Heard the Story, Castlegar Campus
INDG 202: Indigenous Voices, Castlegar Campus
NSLX 101: Beginners n̓səl̓xčin 1: Colville-Okanagan Salish, Castlegar Campus
PEAC 201: The Environment, Conflict and Justice, Castlegar Campus
PHIL 100: Introductory Philosophy I, Castlegar Campus
PHIL 210: Biomedical Ethics, Castlegar Campus
SPAN 102: Beginner's Spanish I, Castlegar Campus
Social Sciences
ECON 104: Economic Analysis for Small Business, Castlegar Campus
ECON 106: Principles of Macroeconomics, Castlegar Campus
- BIOL 200: Principles of Ecology, Castlegar Campus
Teaching & Learning Centre
DIW 100: Delivery of Instruction Workshop, Castlegar Campus & online (hybrid)
Winter 2026
*Winter 2026 courses are subject to change.
Online Courses
- ANTH 100: Introduction to Anthropology I
- CWRT 101: Introduction to Creative Writing II
- CWRT 201: Manuscript Development II
- ECCE 193: Child Centered Partnerships I
- FAM 180: Family Dynamics
- FREN 102: Beginner's French I
- FREN 103: Beginner's French II
- HSER 257: Mental Health Issues: Practical Responses
- OTEC 175: Computerized Accounting
- SPAN 102: Beginner's Spanish I
- SPAN 103: Beginner's Spanish II
On-Campus Courses
School of Arts & Technology
- MUSC 164: History of Rock, Tenth Street Campus, Nelson
School of University Arts & Sciences
- CWRT 101: Introduction to Creative Writing II, Castlegar Campus
- ENGL 201: A Survey of English Literature II, Castlegar Campus
- ENGL 203: Canadian Literature II: Contemporary Voices, Castlegar Campus
- ENGL 209: Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels, Castlegar Campus
- HIST 105: Contemporary Canada, Castlegar Campus
- HIST 215: A History of the West Kootenay, Castlegar Campus
- NSLX 102: Beginners n̓səl̓xčin 2, Silver King Campus
- PEAC 101: Conflict Transformation, Castlegar Campus
- PEAC 203: Restorative Justice, Castlegar Campus
- PHIL 101: Introductory Philosophy II, Castlegar Campus
- PHIL 120: Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking, Castlegar Campus
Social Sciences
- CMNS 200: Intercultural Communication, Castlegar Campus
- BIOL 101: Current Issues in Biology, Castlegar Campus
- GEOG 232: Geomorphology, Castlegar Campus
- MATH 181: Problem Solving, Castlegar Campus
Course Times
To determine if the course you are interested in is currently running, please visit the timetable.
In the Course ID box, enter the course (e.g., CWRT 100) and press enter. The timetable will list the semester under the section column if the course is scheduled to run and the format (e.g., in person with room number, online) under the location column.