Students with Children

Please note, your child must have valid medical insurance coverage while attending school or daycare or participating in any of the activities listed here.

Ages 5 and Under

Explore daycare centres in the area that offer programs for infants and toddlers. Some may offer after-school care for school-aged children.

Castlegar daycares
Fruitvale daycares
Nelson daycares
Rossland daycares
  • Golden Bear Children's Centre, (250) 362-5856
  • Four Winds Daycare, (250)362-5233
  • Little Friends Habitat, (250) 364-3923
Trail daycares
Warfield daycares
  • Lion and Lamb Family Childcare, (250)921-4580
  • Warfield Preschool, (250)231-0828

Ages 5–17

If you are a parent attending Selkirk College on a valid study permit for long-term studies (at least for one year), including the English Language Program and Academic Upgrading, your minor children (5-17 years) are eligible to enrol in local public elementary and secondary schools free of charge. They will not be required to pay international student fees. 

You should begin the enrolment process for your children as early as possible after your arrival in the West Kootenay region. 

Castlegar, Trail, Fruitvale and Rossland: School District 20

Required documents for registration
  • A digital photo or scanned copy of proof of the child’s birthdate (e.g., birth certificate or passport), translated into English
  • A digital photo or scanned copy of proof of your BC address (e.g., a tenancy agreement or an Airbnb receipt for at least the next four months)
  • Copies of the parents’ study or work permits 
  • Legal custody agreements (if applicable) translated into English

Nelson and Salmo: School District 8

Please contact the International Office at School District 8 after securing a local living address to begin the registration process. Having a local address is necessary to assign your children to the appropriate school. 

Required documents for registration
  • The child's passport
  • Passport stamp or visitor record indicating the day your child entered Canada
  • Copies of the parent’s study permit
  • Immunization documents, birth certificate and copies of school report cards, grades and evaluations from the past two years translated into English

Ages 18 Plus

If your child is 18 years or older, please contact Betty Li to assist with registering them in the Academic Upgrading program at Selkirk College. 

If you have already arrived in Canada, your child will need to update their study permit to reflect enrolment in a post-secondary institution. Please note that they will be required to pay international student fees for their studies.

Activities and Resources