Mir Centre for Peace, Castlegar

View of the Mir Centre for Peace through lilac bushes

Building Cultures of Peace

The Mir Centre for Peace builds cultures of peace through learning and dialogue. Our lecture series, trainings, workshops, films, research and collaborations with community organizations help advance peace and justice both locally and in our wider world.

Mission, vision and values


Understanding and building cultures of peace through learning.


The Mir Centre for Peace at Selkirk College is a place of learning and dialogue where peoples of diverse cultural and historical backgrounds are welcome to safely and compassionately enquire and seek pathways to peace.  

This vision is built on a commitment to the peoples, histories and landscapes of our region, from which cultures of peace may grow.


The Mir Centre for Peace at Selkirk College holds the following values:

We believe in, honour and respect:

  • The right to peace, social justice and human security for the individual, family, community and the world
  • The diversity of the human community in its most inclusive senseculturally, philosophically, spiritually and intellectually
  • The multiplicity of cultures and histories of the land in this region and beyond
  • That education and learning are fundamental requisites in the development and maintenance of a peaceful world
  • That human health, justice and peace are inseparable from our respectful, sustainable interaction with the earth
  • That peace lies not only in resolution of conflict but also in the human need for healing and sacrednessindividually, culturally and in relationship to the land
  • The dignity of work and service for the betterment of humanity

Explore the work of the Mir Centre for Peace in the annual report. Discover the speakers, events and book clubs we hosted, the programming we offered, and the people who helped us make a difference.

Read the Report!

Promoting Learning & Dialogue

An olive tree in palestine

Lecture Series

Listen to high-calibre speakers speak on a wide range of themes related to peace and justice.

Upcoming lecture: Carol Off

Two hands holding a paper dove against a blue background

Peace Cafés

Engage in interactive discussions on issues related to peace, conflict-transformation and justice. 

Upcoming Peace Café: Critical Media Literacy

A jungle with a volcano in the background

Film Series

Get inspired by stories about people who have championed social justice and change.   

Research & Education 

Vector artwork of two people with puzzle pieces

Applied Research

In Courageous Dialogues: Moving Beyond Polarization, we are learning about how polarization is affecting our communities and developing tools and interventions for overcoming it.

Peace and Justice Studies students smiling

Peace & Conflict Studies

Earn a Liberal Arts Diploma in Peace & Conflict Studies by studying nonviolence, social movements, civil resistance, conflict transformation, environmental justice and more.

holding award

Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping

Support Gandhi's idea of Shanti Sena (Sanskrit for "peace army"). Become part of the global movement for nonviolent change and promoting peaceful conflict transformation.  

Nonviolent Communication Course
Take a three-day compassionate communication skills training based on the book and workbook by Marshall Rosenberg. Nonviolent communication skills help us to connect empathically with ourselves and others to have more satisfying relationships.