Early Childhood Care and Education - Infant/Toddler Advanced Certificate
The courses in this program meet the educational requirements of the BC ECE Registry Special Needs Educator Certification.
These courses may be used as credits towards the Human Services Diploma in Early Childhood Education.
Upcoming Intake
Are you interested in hearing about our next intake? Please note, this program is open to domestic students.
Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate professionalism in practice consistent with the code of ethics and standards of practice of their respective disciplines
- Use effective interpersonal skills, including active listening, collaboration, self-awareness and conflict resolution within multi-faceted roles and contexts
- Understand and respect cultural differences and multiple ways of knowing
- Practice from an ethic of inclusivity
- Establish and maintain wellness strategies to assure work/life balance both personally and professionally
- Engage in critical thinking, problem-solving and reflective practice
Admission Requirements
- Completion of an Early Childhood Care and Education Certificate from an approved BC institution
Proof of ECCE registration and/or transcripts of successful completion from an ECCE post-secondary certificate program.
- BC high school graduation or equivalent
- English 12 or equivalent, with a minimum of 60% or better
No additional requirements for this program.
Students applying to the diploma program immediately following completion of a Human Services Certificate Program, may request that the contents of their file be transferred.
a) Acceptance to an individual course does not constitute admission to the program. All program admissions will be considered according to Part I, A: Admissions Requirements.
b) The ECCE, EACSW, SSW Certificate programs and the Human Services Diploma program may be completed on a part-time basis depending on number of spaces available. Students choosing to complete a program on a part time basis must meet with a program coordinator, councillor and/or School Chair at the time of acceptance to plan a course of studies.
c) Students who have been accepted for part time studies and are in good standing academically will normally be accepted upon re-application to the next term. Refer to Part II, Section B, Promotions re: academic requirements.
In order to receive your credential in your program, you must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 and a minimum of 60% or better in all semester courses.
1. In order to progress to the next semester, the following requirements must be met.
a) Completion of all courses in the semester with a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.00 and a grade of a “C” or better in all semester courses.
b) Promotion to the second year of the Diploma program requires a cumulative GPA of 2.33 during the first year of studies or School Chair approval
2. Promotion to practicum will be determined by the following criteria:
a) A grade of "C" or better in all required courses as defined in Part II, C, Graduation Requirements.
b) Some types of criminal records may limit or prohibit a student's acceptance in field placement agencies. Ability to be accepted into field placement is a requirement for admission and promotion.
3. A student’s performance will be reviewed by program faculty when:
a) Grades in one or more courses fall below a “C”.
b) Unacceptable behaviour, inappropriate interpersonal skills, and/or patterns of absence are displayed (as outlined in program policies).
c) On probation.
4. Considerations for practicum placement:
a) Practicum placements are normally completed within the College region.
b) To avoid a conflict of interest, students are expected to inform instructors of agencies where family and/or personal connections exist.
c) Practicum placements will be arranged by a program instructor.
d) Agency staff will be informed if a student has refused to sign a waiver authorizing the College to share personal information about the student with agency staff.
5. Students will not be placed in practicum based on the following:
a) The student has not demonstrated readiness for practicum placement.
b) Two agencies refuse to accept the student in practicum placement.
c) The student lacks means of transportation.
6. Practicum evaluation will be based on:
a) A review of the student's performance in relation to stated course competencies.
b) A joint review comprised of college instructor, agency supervisor and student.
c) Completed practicum assignments.
In order to graduate with Honors students must meet all program requirements with no grades less than a B- and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.
ECCE200 - Infant Growth and Development
ECCE 200 Infant Growth and Development. This course will explore child development from theoretical perspectives and will examine ways of enhancing young children's development. Conceptual themes to be addressed include: developmentally appropriate practice, the competent child, diversity, responsive caring, relationships, child centered environments, emotional safety, and creativity.
ECCE260 - Health Care in Infant and Toddler Programs
ECCE 260 Health Care in Infant and Toddler Programs includes the planning, establishment and maintenance of a safe and healthy environment regarding: food preparation and handling, planning nutritious snacks and meals, diapering/toileting, accident prevention and hazard identification, medication, illness management and assessment, modelling healthy practices and utilizing community health resources.
HSER267 - Leadership in Human Services
HSER 267 Leadership in Human Services provides a basic introduction to leadership concepts. Students self-reflect as they explore the concepts of emotional intelligence, leadership style, and the qualities and attributes of an effective leader. Students create a plan for developing personal leadership skills and have opportunities to improve their leadership performance in managing conflict, overcoming obstacles, and establishing a constructive climate.
ECCE285 - Practices With Infants and Toddlers
ECCE 285 Practices with Infants and Toddlers. This culmination course is designed to prepare the student to work as an Early Childhood Educator with children under three years. Emphasis will be on professional decision making; designing and implementing a safe nurturing inclusive program. This course builds on and expands knowledge from the basic ECCE program regarding early childhood theory, philosophies, historical approaches and high quality care.
ECCE282 - Infant/Toddler Observation Practicum
ECCE 282 Infant/Toddler Observation Practicum provides the student with opportunities for supervised practical experience and directed observation of individual infants and toddlers as well as group settings designed for infants and toddlers. Ten hours of individual child observations may be done in homes, family day care, or other informal settings. The forty hours of Infant-Toddler Centre observations will be arranged in a variety of locations.
ECCE286 - Infant Toddler Practicum
ECCE 286 Infant Toddler Practicum experience is designed to provide the student, under supervision, with opportunities to apply and consolidate knowledge and skills in working with infants and toddlers in group settings. Five weeks in length, this block practicum places each student in an early childhood setting for children under age three.
Tuition & Fees
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