
Selkirk College is guided by a set of policies that reflect our vision, mission and values while providing a foundation on which we can achieve our stated goals in an environment of accountability. The policies of the college are consistent with legislative requirements and the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills directives. 

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Policy Review

There are two policy review bodies at Selkirk College: the Administrative Policy Review Committee and the Education Policy Committee.

Administrative Policy Review Committee

The Administrative Policy Review Committee focuses on policies that are outside the scope of Education Council, such as policies that focus on administrative operations. 

Contact the Administrative Policy Review Committee.

Education Policy Committee

The Education Policy Committee is a standing committee of Education Council and reviews college policies to provide advice on matters related to policy development and to provide a forum for regular policy review. The policies approved by Education Council are distributed to the college community through the President’s Office. Education Council is an internal governance body of Selkirk College, as required by the College and Institute Act, that considers curriculum and educational policies relating to students, standards, planning and operations.

Contact the Education Policy Committee.

Renewing or Creating a Policy

Follow these steps to renew an existing policy or create a new one. During this process, consider the four lenses of decolonization; equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI); trauma-informed practice; and gender-based analysis plus (GBA+).

This process is documented in Policy 1000: Policy Development Process.


Assessment, Needs Identification & Briefing

This process typically takes a week.

  • For existing policies, assess the successes and pain points of the existing policy implementation. (This will be aided by keeping a log of policy infractions, challenges and feedback over the life of a policy.)
  • For new policies, document the identified need for the policy and share with the appropriate policy committee for review.
  • Ensure there is a clear purpose for the policy that aligns with college's mission, vision and strategy. Consider whether the document needs to be a policy or whether the issue is more procedural in nature. 
  • Briefly document your policy development plan, including your draft consultation schedule. 
  • Complete the Intent to Review form.
  • Submit the completed form.

Research, Consultation & Development

This process typically takes two to four months. Policies that require consultation with external stakeholders may have longer consultation periods.

  • Conduct the research to support the policy.
Potential research questions

How are other institutions addressing the issues that this policy deals with?

What are existing practices within various departments and schools, and among employees and students?

How can the lenses of decolonization, EDI, trauma-informed practice and GBA+ inform the policy?

  • Consult with stakeholders that represent the diversity of parties impacted by the policy.
Potential stakeholder engagement

Ideas for stakeholders to engage include:

  • Indigenization: Nation Partners, Indigenous Services, Circle of Inclusive Indigenous Education (Education Council standing committee)
  • Accessibility: Student Access & Support, Academic Upgrading & Development, Accessibility Committee
  • Internationalization: Chair and manager of the International Department, cultural advisors
  • Students: Student representatives on the Board of Governors and/or Education Council (EdCo), students in specific related courses, student clubs
Draft policy process

Developing a draft policy includes:

  • Sharing drafts with diverse stakeholders and policy review committee(s).
  • Addressing input from stakeholders and committees in policy revisions.
  • Soliciting feedback from the whole college community after a "near final draft" has been presented to policy review committee(s).

Final Review, Communication & Implementation

This process typically takes four to six weeks, depending on committee schedules.

  • After receiving recommendation from policy review committee(s), present policy to EdCo and/or the president for final approval, along with summary of college community feedback.
  • After receiving approval from EdCo and/or the president, update the policy document on the website and communicate policy changes to college community along with rationale and implications.

The Four Lenses

During the process of updating or creating a policy, consider the four lenses outlined in Policy 1000: Policy Development Process: decolonization; equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI); trauma-informed practice; and gender-based analysis plus (GBA+).

Through their diverse expertise and ongoing training and work, members of either policy review committee may serve as valuable resources for embedding the four lenses into policies.

Considerations: Questions to Ask

All lenses

Are there potential positive (equitable, inclusive, trauma-reducing, decolonizing, gender-affirming) impacts of this policy on staff, students and/or the community? What are the potential positive impacts?

Does this policy perpetuate or help to dismantle historical, legal or other barriers set in the past?

Is the tone appreciative or negative?

Are there restorative practices embedded in the policy?


What cultural values are being enshrined?

What elements of this policy are remnant of the dominant colonial system? 

Have I addressed Selkirk College's Indigenization Plan

Does this include ways for Indigenous Peoples to be welcomed into the institution? 

Does this provide/support culturally safe and relevant spaces for shared learning? 

Does this promote working respectfully with Indigenous knowledge authorities? 

Does this promote emotional and cultural supports available to Indigenous students throughout their educational journey?

Does this acknowledge the cultural identity of Indigenous students? 

Does it encourage Indigenous ways of teaching and doing to ensure learning for all?

Does it support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and Principles?


Is diversity reflected in policy? Can people see themselves in the policy?

Are there individuals and/or communities that will be disproportionately (and negatively) affected by this policy? If disparities are identified, how can they be mitigated or eliminated? 

Trauma-informed practice

How are people respected as agents rather than treated as objects in this policy?

Are there potential trauma-inducing aspects of this policy on students, employees, the community? 


What is the profile of the client base or target group of the proposed policy? 

Does an aspect of the proposed policy have the potential to impact women and men differently? If so, how?