Make It Happen
Get more out of your college experience and join together with people who share your interests. Make new friends, host events and learn something new! Start your own official Selkirk College student club and access funding for equipment and activities.
The Student Experience Team (SET) provides funding for new and existing clubs, plus equipment and prizes for student-driven events.
Start a Club!
Fill out the online Club Registration Form and Club Membership List Form.
Club Registration & Rules Form
All clubs run September through to April and a reapplication for status is required each year. Applications are open September 1 to February 28. For more information or to submit your club membership list form, please email Kayla Martin.
Proposals will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Castlegar Campus Interest Form
Club ideas
Every year, Selkirk College has a variety of clubs to participate in according to student interest. Some examples of past clubs are listed below:
Environment Club
Are you passionate about the environment? Do you want to participate in sustainability initiatives on campus and within your broader community? Maybe you aim to raise awareness of environmental issues and strive to create a culture of sustainability at Selkirk College...
Bouldering Club
Create a network of boulderers/climbers, from novice to advanced! Encourage education on new skills. Improve Castlegar’s climbing culture.
Basketball Club
Come out and play ball regularly – full-court or 3-on-3, or simply shoot hoops! Previously, our Basketball Club enrolled in the West Kootenay Men’s League to push their game to the next level. Hone your skills and learn new ones!
X-Country Running Club
Join together with fellow runners for comradery on our local trail system. Nervous on our trails to run alone? Scare away bears and other wildlife while running with other students and staff. Work towards a network of races and achieving the best times you can or simply getting outside to enjoy nature, having fun and meeting like-minded folks.
Drone Club
Drones can be flown in the gymnasium during the winter and outside when the environment allows.
Signing Glee
Ever wanted to learn a new language? Learn ASL signs and enjoy healthy interactions with fellow students and staff. This club has taken place at the Tenth Street Campus in Nelson.
Acro Yoga
Stretch minds, bodies and boundaries with Acro Yoga. Learn to grow together and to communicate and trust others. Acro yoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics. This practice provides physical and mental health benefits such as exercise and strength building. Partner balancing can improve concentration. Acro Yoga also has elements leading to stress relief.
Aerials Club
Dreaming of joining Cirque de Soleil? Learn how to do aerial silks and hoops! Our local Discover Circus business in Nelson has provided many folks with these skills. Any instruction will likely come from the Discover Circus instructors. This club operated on the Castlegar Campus in the past.
Archery Club
Practice this age-old skill in our gymnasium, after being given a safety lesson. We have targets, arrows, bows, and all the equipment needed, in Castlegar.
Business and Accounting Club
Bring your keen interest in core business practices! Connect students with businesspeople in the community. Host speaking events with alumni, perhaps!
Outdoors Club
This club can bring together those interested in activities in the out-of-doors - hiking, skiing, canoeing and cycling, to name a few. Whatever interest the “students of the year” pick, will likely be what the group will focus on.
Cricket Club
Most people play cricket for one reason, because they love the game and spending time with friends. Bring your enthusiasm and skill.
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Do you love tossing around the Frisbee? Ultimate is a non-contact sport that is social, active and outdoors.
Kickboxing Club
A form of martial art that combines boxing with elements of karate and muay Thai—in particular, kicking with bare feet.
Music Club
Love to sing or play an instrument? Start a choral group or develop a musical band!
Plan an Event
Organize a student experience event that is inclusive to all students and contributes positively to the student experience on your campus. There is a maximum of $500 available for each student leadership event.
Fill out the leadership application.
Applications are open September 1—February 28.