Located at Nelson's Silver King Campus, the modern Silver King Childcare Centre is accessible to students, staff and the general public. Childcare Centre staff will do their best to accommodate Selkirk College students in order to facilitate their studies.
The Kootenay Kids Society operates the centre and licensed early childhood educators provide quality care and stimulating learning environments.
Childcare Programs
The Silver King Childcare Centre has licensed childcare spaces for 24 children. Spaces are allocated by program:
The infant/toddler program is licensed for 16 children from birth to 36 months.
The multi-age program is licensed for eight children ages 3-5 years.
For more information about the Silver King Childcare Centre, or to make inquiries about childcare, please visit the Kootenay Kids webpage.
2001 Silver King Road
Nelson, British Columbia
Canada V1L 1C8
Contact Us
Telephone: (250) 354-3208
Contact us by email
Hours & Directions
Monday–Friday, 7:15 am–5:15 pm
Find us on Google Maps