Advanced First Aid Exam Challenge: WorkSafeBC

The course is designed for individuals with long-standing OFA 3/Advanced First Aid certification and active industry experience. It includes only the required exams as specified in WorkSafeBC program standards 2.10.5. This course does not provide first aid review, PowerPoint presentations, training delivery or discussion. Students must arrive prepared for the examination, as no pre-course homework or review materials will be provided. Course evaluations and assessments will focus on: CPR & Basic Lifesaving Skills (alert obstructed airway), trauma with SMR with critical interventions and medical emergencies and critical intervention and packaging. Students may choose to purchase the Advanced First Aid Reference and Training Manual and/or the Advanced First Aid Participant Manual (Binder). However, since this course does not include a review of these manuals, they are not required.

Visit our registration page for course locations, times and fees.

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