Peace Cafés: Wounded Doves

Thursday, February 15, 2024 | 7pm - 8:30pm
All Dates
Nelson United Church, Mir Centre for Peace, Online

Israel/Palestine Crisis

Two hands holding a paper dove against a blue background


Thursday, February 15, Nelson United Church, 7 pm

Hear from Nelson resident Paul Caney, who has been working as the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) logistics coordinator for Gaza operations since October and has just returned to Canada. He will share his experiences and insights.


By donation to defray the costs of hosting the event. If donations exceed the costs, the surplus will be donated to MSF.


Wednesday, February 21, Mir Centre for Peace and Online, 1–2:30 pm

The Wall Between Us

Join Raja Khouri and Jeffrey Wilkinson, co-authors of The Wall Between: What Jews and Palestinian Don’t Want to Know About Each Other, for a Q&A about their book and their recent work facilitating dialogue in workplaces experiencing “the conflict about the conflict.”

Cost and Registration

Admission by donation to defray the costs of hosting the event. Registration is required to join online.

Register Now!


Thursday, March 7, Mir Centre for Peace and Online, 7–8:30 pm

Take a guided online tour introducing Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian/Arab peacebuilders who are persisting in working for peace right now within Israel-Palestine. The tour will be followed by facilitated discussion of what it means to refuse to be enemies.

Cost and Registration

Admission by donation to defray the costs of hosting the event. Registration is required to join online.

Register Now!

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.