Building a brighter future for the planet requires collective action and Selkirk College is being recognized for its sustainability efforts by an international association that rates post-secondary institutions across the world.
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education recognizes achievements through its Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) that considers efforts in academics, engagement, operations, planning, administration, innovation and leadership. With more than 900 participants in 40 countries, the STARS program is the most widely recognized framework for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance.
“We are seeing the effects of unsustainability across the planet and because of the role that post-secondary institutions play in society, it’s incredibly important that we are preparing the next generation for the sustainability challenges of the future,” says Kayla Tillapaugh, Selkirk College’s sustainability coordinator. “Sustainability needs to be at the forefront of everything that we do, and it’s vitally important that we lead by example.”
Earning a silver STARS rating in the latest report, Selkirk College continues to push its efforts upwards in many areas. Highlights include full points in landscape management and biodiversity, particularly prominent on the Castlegar Campus where stewardship at the confluence of the Columbia and Kootenay rivers is an ongoing priority. Continued infrastructure and operational improvements in areas such as vehicle fleet, paper consumption and energy usage have resulted in gains on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The college also scored well in campus and community engagement where the work of the sustainability coordinator is pivotal in planning and outreach.
Ongoing initiatives can be seen on all campuses across the college region. From local participation in the global TEDx Countdown and the installation of 275 solar panels on the roof of the library to reusable to-go containers and a robust composting program, the college builds on its commitment each semester.
Passion for the Work and the Outcomes
Arriving to the position of sustainability coordinator in May, Tillapaugh is a proud Selkirk College alumna who is passionate about building momentum with students, staff and the community. A graduate of the Integrated Environmental Planning Program (now the Applied Environmental Science & Planning Technology Program) as a member of the Class of 2019, she points to the career-ready education on the Castlegar Campus with providing the perfect foundation.
“The college is a special place to me, it taught me a great deal of what I currently know as it relates to the work that I am doing,” says the 26-year-old.
Originally from the Okanagan, Tillapaugh arrived to Selkirk College looking for a new pathway. Starting her first steps into post-secondary as a full-time student while balancing a busy home life that included her two-year-old son, she quickly found her passion.
“The program was amazing,” Tillapaugh says. “The instructors are so personable and engaging, everyone adores them because they are so knowledgeable and made the course work relevant. It’s very close to what is actually happening in the field, it’s not theory-based learning.”
While still a student, Tillapaugh was part of the Environmental Club and helped act on initiatives like waste audits with former college sustainability coordinator Laura Nessman. After graduation she quickly joined the team at Selkirk Innovates as paid research intern, working on a wide variety projects that included the State of the Basin initiative, regional wayfinding destination and signage, the state of local housing, and a study into native pollinators. Prior to arriving to her current position at the college, she worked for regional Indigenous nations and Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society.
Outreach and education are an important part of her new role at the college. With the arrival of the fall semester in September, Tillapaugh is excited about the work ahead.
“I am really looking forward to being in a community of fresh, sharp, learning minds with people who are inspired and excited about the future,” she says. “It forms the foundation of all that I will do in this role.”
College Delivering on SDG Goals and Awareness
Despite its relatively small size, Selkirk College has been a national leader in its commitment to overall sustainability. The college was the first post-secondary in Canada to sign onto the SDG Accord, a United Nations’ initiative that promotes awareness for 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) that aim to create a more sustainable and just planet. From quality education to gender equality and zero hunger to clean water, the college works on making an ongoing difference with SDG goals which tie in nicely with the STARS rating system.
“People most often point to the environment when thinking about sustainability goals, but it is so much more,” explains Tillapaugh. “Sustainability and sustainable development refer to ensuring we can meet the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is about social, economic, environmental, cultural and spiritual balance that will ensure we are able to be sustained… hence the term, sustain-ability.”
Over the next three years, the college will continue to expand its sustainability work as it strives towards a gold STARS rating. Despite limited human and financial resources, the immaculate grades within the framework are lofty goals that are not out of reach.
“We should be proud of this rating because we are taking important steps that have increased our score each year,” says Tillapaugh. “There is lots of room for improvement and we will work hard together as a collective community to meet the targets.”
Learn more about the STARS rating system and Sustainable Selkirk.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages