Building off excellence in teaching and the growing demand by learners for enhanced skills, Selkirk College will offer a new eight-month Blacksmithing & Metal Art Program starting in September 2022.
Currently offered as a four-month certificate at Nelson’s Victoria Street Campus, the Blacksmithing Studio Program provides students the opportunity to build blacksmithing and welding techniques focused on ornamental metal art design. Under the mentorship of experienced faculty, curriculum will be expanded to include elements that enhance program outcomes.
“This is a result of a thorough review of all studio programs at the Victoria Street Campus,” says Tracy Punchard, Selkirk College’s dean for the School of the Arts. “Our Blacksmithing Studio Program is a unique post-secondary program that attracts students from across Canada. With increasing demand, the expanded program will allow Selkirk College to enhance the quality of the student experience, improve retention and ultimately lead to more success for graduates.”
As part of the review, the current four-month Bronze Casting Studio program will no longer be offered through Selkirk College. This will be the last academic year that the combined 10-month Sculptural Metal Program will be offered, a certificate that includes both the Blacksmithing Studio and Bronze Casting Studio. Students interested in exploring this area of craft will now fully focus on the blacksmith component.
“It is the end of an era and I know the sculpture community will feel its loss,” says Punchard. “We are the only institution in Canada to have offered bronze casting as a certificate program, but unfortunately enrolments have been low and the cost of running the program high.”
The review process that involved local businesses, artisans and program graduates demonstrated demand for students to further skills in blacksmithing, fabricating, design and professional practices. The new eight-month program will allow students to advance beyond foundational blacksmithing to bladesmithing, pattern welded steel and advanced tool making. Learners will have the opportunity to more fully develop their artistic voice in metal art through a final portfolio project and year-end show and sale.
More detailed information on the new eight-month Blacksmithing & Metal Art Studio Program will be available by the end of March. Those interested in this program should contact @email to learn more.
Located in downtown Nelson, Selkirk College’s Victoria Street Campus is home to Kootenay Studio Arts programs. A recent review of offerings has resulted in the college creating a new eight-month Blacksmithing & Metal Art Studio Program that will enhance what is currently being offered.