Where hosers and shredders meet is where you want to be when the SROAMazing Race returns, ready to kick-off the spring season in true Canadian style.
The Ski Resort Operations & Management (SROAM) Program at Selkirk College invites the entire snow-loving community to Whitewater Ski Resort on March 22 for a day packed with fun and engaging activities around the resort that all focus on avalanche safety.
“My friends and I participate in this event every year, it’s always one of the best days of the season and seeing the community get together in their costumes is truly special,” says local Ross White.
The event is a fundraiser for Avalanche Awareness Beyond the Boundary Society (AABBS) where teams-of-four compete for some fantastic prizes, while rocking their best Canadian-themed outfits.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the event: teenagers, adults, and families with kids ages 6-12. SROAM students have been reaching out and collecting great prizes from amazing local sponsors, as well as other ski resorts in the Kootenay area. Prizes will be awarded to top performing teams and all participants are entered in the event’s big raffle.
The festivities start at noon with the prize ceremony taking place at 3 pm.
“Being able to organize and host this event was such an awesome experience for us,” says SROAM alumni Ben Kuntz, one of the organizers of the 2022 SROAMazing Race who now works at Mt. Norquay in Alberta. “Seeing all the hard work it took behind the scenes, then having it all come together, you feel really proud to call yourself a SROAMie and be surrounded by such a great community.”
Early registration for teams of four is now open and gets you an extra ticket for the prize raffle. Posters for the event around town have QR codes to register online or paper form registration can be filled out at Selkirk College’s Tenth Street Campus and Whitewater’s downtown office. Registration is $10 per team member and each team member must have their own Whitewater ski pass to compete in the event (day passes are not provided with registration).
The SROAM Program and Whitewater Ski Resort can’t wait to see winter lovers out in full force for this incredible Canadian-themed event.
Learn more about the School of Hospitality & Tourism.
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