Selkirk College's eight-month Web Development Program is focused on providing learners the knowledge and skills necessary to enter in-demand careers that combine flexibility of lifestyle with rewarding work outcomes. Starting in September, the time has never been better to crack the code to your future.
Balancing work life with two toddlers can be tricky, but Selkirk College alumna Tenai Scott’s decision to take the eight-month Web Development Program has provided the young mom with plenty of tools for success.
When she entered the program in 2019, Scott was looking for a challenging and in-demand career that would mesh well with raising a family. Her first child had already arrived when she discovered the Selkirk College program that prepares learners for a career as a Full Stack Web Developer. Working freelance before she even graduated in 2020, Scott hasn’t looked back.
“Web development is the perfect career for moms,” says Scott, who graduated from Nelson’s L.V. Rogers Secondary in 2012. “If you work freelance, you can make your own hours and work from home. I think a lot of women are intimidated by coding and assume that you need to be a computer nerd to learn it, but that is not true. I have seen so many students become amazing developers, some of which had very basic computer skills prior to the program. This program really teaches you from the ground up, all you need is drive and the willingness to learn.”
The Web Development Program is specifically designed to be responsive to today’s tech industry needs. Students learn both the frontend and backend of web development through an instructor-led certificate program that is delivered online. With emphasis on learning by doing, graduates emerge with highly coveted industry skills that can be applied in a myriad of environments.
On June 21 and June 23, Selkirk College is hosting information sessions on Zoom called “Ask a Web Developer” where anybody with an interest in a fulfilling career are invited to join. Industry professionals will chat about the lifestyle, the job and how to get there.
The Right Time and the Right Place
Prior to entering the Web Development Program, Scott had explored a few different post-secondary pathways without finding the spark. Though she knew little about coding, when she was searching for close-to-home educational options, the new Selkirk College program stood out. Scott liked problem solving and thought she would give it a shot.
What she found was a supportive environment where industry-veteran faculty opened up a new world of possibility.
“The program is very hands-on,” says Scott. “You work on real-life scenario projects that prepare you for a career as a developer. There is also a big focus on business and networking skills, so you get practice writing proposals, business emails and building your portfolio. This program leaves you job-ready.”
The need for the skills graduates acquire in the program is currently high and there is no indication that the demand will slow. While raising two young children, Scott has been able to find the perfect balance. Earlier this spring, she accepted a new and exciting position as a software developer for a Toronto-based tech company that allows her to do all her work from home, where she is surrounded by the bustle of toddlers.
“There are many different areas that you can work in as a web developer,” says Scott. “Some graduates gravitate more towards frontend development which is more about design and the user experience. Whereas some gravitate more towards backend, working with servers, databases, etc. There is something for everyone in the tech industry. Since COVID, more and more companies are moving to a remote-first environment. This means that many developers can now work from home, or wherever they like.”
Find out more details about the Zoom information sessions on June 21 and June 23 here. The June 21 session runs between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and the June 23 session goes between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Registration is required for the Zoom link. Interested future students can drop in at any time to learn and ask questions about the web development industry.
Learn more about the Web Development Program and join us on Facebook.
Selkirk College alumna Tenai Scott has found a successful work-life balance after completing the eight-month Web Developer Program. The young mom currently works from home for a Toronto-based tech company.