Selkirk College leadership is addressing the impacts of changes to federal immigration policy, which are projected to result in a 60 to 85 per cent reduction in international students over the next few years.
- Get an update on strategic adjustments from President Maggie Matear.
- Read an update to students and the college community from Vice-President, Education & Students, Taya Whitehead.
- Learn more about the impacts of international education policy changes from President Maggie Matear.
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated: March 6, 2025*
*This information is current as of March 6, 2025
I heard in the news that Selkirk College is declining to comment on this situation. Why don’t you want to participate in interviews?
We are committed to sharing information with the college community as we work through strategic adjustments. This is a dynamic, evolving situation, and we have chosen to provide written updates for the time being so we can follow our communications protocols, ensure we’re respecting our employees, and adhere to collective and employment agreement terms and conditions.
As soon we have information to share, we’ll publish it in our newsfeed or update these FAQs.
For media requests, please contact Maggie Keczan, director of communications & public engagement.
February 25, 2025*
*This information is current as of February 25, 2025
How is Selkirk College responding to the changes in federal immigration policy?
Selkirk College continues to offer high-quality, accessible programming that aligns with labour-market needs for the long term.
To meet the decline in international enrolment, we have suspended the intakes of several programs and introduced new cost-saving measures, including strategic hiring, better space utilization and spending restrictions. We’re trying to minimize layoffs by identifying voluntary workforce reduction opportunities. We’ll be leaving several vacant positions unfilled and have not renewed contracts in some cases.
We are working closely with the three unions representing employees at the college: BC Government Employees Union (BCGEU), Selkirk College Faculty Association (SCFA) and Public Private Workers of Canada (PPWC).
Has Selkirk College implemented a hiring freeze?
Selkirk College is following a strategic hiring review process. Some positions are required to maintain basic service levels, regardless of operating deficits, and we must fill them if they become vacant.
All new vacancies go through an executive leadership review process—in consultation with the affected department or area—to determine whether the position will be filled.
Have any employees been laid off?
At this time, eight employees have either been laid off or have not had their contracts renewed, equaling six full-time equivalent (FTE) positions.
These layoffs will take effect on July 31, 2025.
What types of employees have been affected?
Both regular ongoing employees and short-term employees have been affected.
What percentage of Selkirk College’s workforce does this number represent?
At this time, about one per cent of employees have been affected.
Were any positions eliminated through buyouts, early retirements, etc.?
Some employees chose early retirement or voluntary severance, and this prevented some layoffs for some less-senior faculty.
Which departments have been impacted?
At this time, the School of Hospitality & Tourism has been most significantly affected, as most of the students in its programs are international.
Students are no longer enrolling in many of our programs because they are no longer eligible for post-graduate work permits under IRCC’s new restrictions.
The School of Business and the School of University Arts & Sciences will also be affected by the lower enrolments, and we anticipate further labour adjustments in these areas.
Does Selkirk College expect more layoffs in the future?
Yes. As enrolment numbers and the ripple effects of fewer students on campus become clearer, we expect more layoffs across all employee groups.
What is the reason for the layoffs?
The labour adjustments are due to a substantial reduction in international enrolment caused by changes to federal immigration policy.
We anticipate a 60 to 85 per cent reduction in international students over the next two years. This decrease is expected to result in annual revenue reductions in the range of $9 million.
How are the changes to federal immigration policy affecting Selkirk College’s future growth?
Selkirk College’s new strategic plan—Land, Learning & Legacy: Our Path to 2040—offers a road map to a future grounded in sustainability, highlighting environmental, social and economic resiliency. It will help establish Selkirk College as a destination for learning grounded in a sense of land and place.
The actions in our strategic plan will improve our ability to recruit domestic students from within and outside our region. Growing domestic enrolment will offset the impacts of lower international student enrolment in the future.
Has Selkirk College suspended or cancelled any programs?
We have not cancelled any programs at this time. We have suspended some intakes of:
- Accounting – Postgraduate Diploma
- Business Administration Accounting Finance – Diploma*
- Business Administration Professional Management – Diploma*
- Business Management – Postgraduate Diploma
- Culinary Management – Postgraduate Diploma
- Full-Stack Web Development – Postgraduate Diploma
- Gerontological Nursing – Postgraduate Diploma
- Hospitality Management – Postgraduate Diploma
*Please note, applications for this program are welcome for the September 2025 (fall) term and for part-time studies in the January 2026 (winter) term.
Are the changes impacting current students?
All students currently enrolled in classes and programs will be supported through to graduation.
Which programs are eligible for post-graduation work permits?
Explore a list of programs that may be eligible for post-graduation work permits.
Note that several programs that enrolled the majority of international students at Selkirk College are no longer eligible for post-graduation work permits, including Hospitality & Tourism and Business.